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title Plan for 2022 Announced
writeradmin created2022-01-24 hit862

The ministry of personnel management (Minister Kim Woo-ho) announced on the 29th a work plan for 2022 to train ‘public officials who can lead the future’ and realize ‘public service innovation that can be felt by the public.’ key characteristics of the announced plan are as follows:


• To expand opportunities for young talents to advance into society, the age (currently 20 years old or older) to take the national civil service exam for grade 7 and above (including grade 5 and 7 open competitive exams) will be lowered, and the validity period of the korean history proficiency test scores (previously 5 years) will be eliminated.

- In order to alleviate the burden on test takers, elective subjects of the second-round test for grade 5 open competitive exam will be also abolished.

• The pan-government youth advisory committee on personnel policy (tentative name) will be newly established so that young civil servants can freely map out a direction on personnel policies and make them into formal policies to fully demonstrate their capabilities.

• For diseases that can be caused by working in a hazardous environment, a significant causal relationship will be assumed to exist between performing public service and the disease and be considered as an accident on duty.

• From next year, the 'public review system on active administration' will be introduced, in which the public can visit the sites of active administration in person to experience the outcomes and reflect them in the evaluation.