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제목 Open Public Call for the Position of International Officer for the Ministry of Personnel Management, South Korea
작성자 인사조직과 작성일 2017-08-03 조회수 8173
작성자 인사조직과 ()
작성일 2017-08-03
조회수 8173
첨부파일 Open_public_call_for_Grade_5_None_permanent_public_official.docx 다운로드(다운로드 188 회)   

The Government of the Republic of Korea (Ministry of Personnel Management) is announcing this public call to fill the position of International cooperation officer for the Ministry of Personnel Management, South Korea, and encourages talented professionals to apply.


    2017. 8. 3.

현재페이지에서 제공되는 서비스에 대하여 만족하십니까?