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Personnel Exchange

Personnel Exchange

Occasional Personnel Exchange

  • To resolve civil servants’ grievances, such as those concerning being a double income couple, childcare and providing for parents
Eligible Grades
  • Grade 4 – 9 civil servants in general service belonging to the administrative branch and local governments
Types of Agencies
  • State↔State, State↔Local, Local↔Loca
Selection Criteria
  • Applicants on the government job website ( who are in the same job series or grade, and have matching conditions such as the desired ministry/agency and region
Forms of Exchange
  • 1:1 or multilateral mutual exchange (inter-ministerial transfer or recruitment for experienced civil servants between the state-local governments)
  • A civil servant whose transfer is restricted by law
  • A civil servant who currently are in the period of probationary appointment and a civil servant designated as an “Indispensable Official”
  • A person who has been on exchange via the government job website for less than two years
Exchange Procedures

신청서 접수(상시 접수) → 월별심사(매월 2회) → 교류대상자 통보(인사혁신처→각기관) → 교류실시(각 기관)

Each ministry/agency conducts exchange (transfer in and out) in consultation with the counterpart organization for the persons notified of the eligibility for exchange

Planned Personnel Exchange

  • Balanced placement and efficient use of government personnel, ensuring the connection between national policy establishment and implementation
Eligible Grades
  • Deputy minister/director general level civil servants (senior civil service), director-level civil servants (Grades 3 - 4), working-level civil servants (Grades 4 – 9) and non-governmental experts
Types of Agencies
  • State↔State, State↔Local, State↔Public (Research) Institute
Selection Criteria
  • Positions that greatly require relevance to work and mutual cooperation
  • Positions that can create synergy through exchanges in areas, such as promoting national tasks and current issues, communication and cooperation between agencies, mutual use of expertise and enhancing organizational vitality
Forms of Exchange
  • Mutual secondment; transfer in and out possible if necessary
  • To return to the original agency after working for a unit period of one year during the exchange period (may be extended, but not exceeding five years in total)
  • A civil servant whose promotion is being restricted for a certain period
  • A civil servant whose transfer-out restriction period has not passed
  • A civil servant who is required of a general promotion examination
Exchange Procedures

    계획인사교류 교류절차 이미지

  • For competency assessment of the senior civil service, work experience at other agencies are required
  • Civil servants who are (to be) on exchange are to account for at least 20% of those expected to be promoted to Grade 4 or Grade 5.
  • It is possible to shorten the period of continuous service required for promotion by 1/2 of the exchange period
  • When selecting a "civil servant eligible to be treated as a civil servant in next higher grade*", it is possible to additionally reflect 1/3 of the exchange experience.
    (*A civil servant who has worked for a period exceeding the minimum number of years of service required for promotion, have no grounds for placing restrictions on promotion and has shown outstanding performance as a “treatment civil servant” of immediately higher position)
  • Special promotion is possible if a civil servant with at least one year of exchange experience has shown outstanding performance
  • Extra points can be given for exchange experience when preparing a list of candidates for promotion
  • When determining the work performance rating and grades for performance-based salary/bonus, a grade that is one or more steps higher than the grade given before the exchange while in the same position is given.
  • The head of the division of a civil servant on exchange may benefit with performance evaluation and performance-based bonus.
  • After the termination of exchange via transfer or recruitment, a civil servant on exchange is guaranteed to return to his/her original agency despite being an excess of the present staffing quota.
  • Payment of allowances for exchange: SCS (or equivalent) - KRW 800K, Grade 3 - KRW 700K, Grade 4 - 600K, Grade 5 and below - 550K
  • Housing subsidies, residential support subsidies, etc. may be paid within budget