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Disciplinary System

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Disciplinary System

Outline and types of disciplinary systems

Outline of the disciplinary system
  • Definition: An administrative sanction imposed by the government as an employer of civil servants who violate their duties as civil servants, in order to maintain order in public service
  • Civil servants subject to disciplinary actions: Civil servants in career service (general service and special service) and civil servants in extraordinary civil service among those in special career service (excluding those in political service)
  • Reasons for disciplinary actions: Where a civil servant violates the State Public Officials Act or an order relating to the Act; where he/she violates or neglects his or her duties; where he/she causes disgrace or injury to the national standing regardless of the connection with his or her duties
Types of disciplinary action, etc
  • Types of disciplinary action: (severe disciplinary action) removal, dismissal, demotion, or suspension from office; (moderate disciplinary action) salary reduction or censure
  • Disciplinary surcharge is imposed on pecuniary misdeeds and may involve up to five times the amount of money or property gains concerned in addition to the disciplinary action, for more effective punishment

Types and roles of disciplinary committees

Types and roles of disciplinary committees
Central disciplinary committee General disciplinary committee
Disciplinary action against a civil servant in the Senior Civil Service Corps or of at least Grade Ⅴ Disciplinary action against a civil servant of Grade VI or lower
A severe disciplinary action against a civil servant of Grade VI or lower who belongs to a central administrative agency
A disciplinary action against a foreign service official at diplomatic minister level or above, police official at commissioner level or above, fire official of major fire marshal level or above

※ A disciplinary committee is established and operated based on separate acts regarding judges, prosecutors, police officials, fire officials, teachers, military personnel, employees of the Board of Audit and Inspection and National Intelligence Service and civil servants in charge of special duties