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title Amendments to the State Public Officials Act to Prohibit Unreasonable Discrimination over Appointment of Public Officials
writeradmin created2020-03-02 hit1039

Principles for prohibition of unreasonable discrimination in all areas of public officials’ appointment and personnel management are now stipulated in law.


With the diversification of hiring channels and backgrounds of government employees, emphasis has been placed on the key principle of fair and balanced public personnel management. Accordingly, new provisions to prohibit discrimination over gender, religion and social status are now in place.


For instance, any restrictions on parental leave applied to public officials appointed for fixed terms of office have been abolished and taking such leave is now allowed regardless of the length of an official’s remaining terms of office. Previously, a public official appointed for fixed terms of office had to have at least six months left until termination of the contract if he/she wished to go on childcare leave.


The draft proclamation of the State Public Officials Act was resolved at the Cabinet Meeting on 21 January 2020 to enhance the fairness and transparency of the government's personnel management, expand the scope of the collection and use of the National Human Resources Database (NHRDB) and make new provisions for restrictions on voluntary release from service of a public official who committed malfeasance.


According to MPM Minister Hwang Seo-chong, the amendments to the State Public Officials Act will provide an opportunity for the government to enhance fairness, transparency and expertise in the civil service sector -- the key principles of public personnel administration.