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Procedures for Civil Servants' Accident Compensation

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Procedures for Civil Servants' Accident Compensation

Comprehensive Accident Compensation Procedure

종합적 재해보상 업무절차도

Procedure for Decision on Benefits

  • Decision on benefits: medical care benefits, rehabilitation benefits, survivors’ benefits for a civil servant who died in the line of duty or who died in the line of duty under dangerous conditions
  • Steps

    ① The Government Employees Pension Service (GEPS) receives and revises applications, conducts field and expert investigations, seeks medical advice, etc.
    ② Ministry of Personnel Management (MPM) decides on the benefits after deliberation by the Deliberative Committee.
    ③ Benefits are paid after calculation based on the benefits decision.

  • Claim benefits by applying to the Compensation Service Department of GEPS (☏ 1588-4321)