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Refusal of Property Registration

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Refusal of Property Registration

Refusal of property registration

Eligibility for refusal of property registration

If a civil servant’s lineal ascendant or descendant is not a dependent of the civil servant, the person may refuse to report and register property with approval from the Civil Service Ethics Committee

Application for refusal of property registration
  • (For approval) An application shall be submitted by January 31 in the case of regular reporting or within 1 month from the date of registration/reporting in the case of non-regular reporting
    * employment, promotion, exemption, end of postponement, re-registration, or retirement
  • (For re-examination) Request for re-examination shall be submitted during the regular reporting period on the third year following the approval (January 1 to February 28)
Process of Application for Refusal

재산심사제도 업무처리 절차 : 1. 재산등록(신고). 2.심사자료 확보. 3.대조및 재산 형성과정 심사. 4.사실확인 및 소명요구. 5.안건작성 및 위원회 상정 6.위원회 의결 7.심사결과 통보 및 보완요청  8.보완신고서 작성 제출

Documents to be submitted

An application form for refusal of property registration (Form 14 of the Enforcement Rule on the Civil Service Ethics Act) and a supporting document on independence

Conditions for approval

The applicant shall not be a dependent (Article 27-2, Paragraph 1 of the Enforcement Decree on the Civil Service Ethics Act)

A dependent refers to a lineal ascendant or descendant who is unable to earn his or her living independently due to the lack of or an inadequate income and is thus financially supported by a civil servant subject to property registration.

The applicant shall earn his or her living independently (Article 27-2, Paragraph 2 of the Enforcement Decree on the Civil Service Ethics Act)
  • Lineal ascendants: age, employment status, property owned, and regular income from work, business or property are comprehensively considered
  • Lineal descendants: age, formation of a separate household, employment status, employment period, and regular income from work or business are comprehensively considered