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title MPM virtually attends the 62nd session of the OECD PGC
writeradmin created2020-11-27 hit1010

On November 19, 2020, the Ministry of Personnel Management (MPM) virtually attended the 62nd session of the Public Governance Committee (PGC) of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

Under the theme of “Building Public Sector Resilience”, the session served as a platform for the members and attendees to take part in discussions on various topics, including ‘risk management and resilience of the public sector and society’. Also, there were three breakout sessions where participants explored ‘how governments can build anticipatory capacity in order to withstand unanticipated shocks and stressors' and 'how anticipatory governance can be used to build consensus around a desired future’. Defining and providing 'essential goods' as well as ‘ensuring the continuity of essential public services’ during the COVID-19 crisis and in the crisis recovery were also key topics for discussion.


Earlier, on November 16, the MPM also remotely attended the PGC Symposium under the title, "Building Trust in Government by Better Managing Performance". The Symposium was one of the meetings comprising the PGC Week (16-20 November 2020) and reviewed ‘the state of performance management and the impact it is having in the COVID-19 context which demands more real-time, and cross-cutting performance information and monitoring’.


During the Symposium, the attendees broke out into three groups and discussed ‘the governance of performance data for more reliable performance information’, ‘the impacts of performance management on outcomes and accountability’ and ‘using evidence to inform performance management’.


Representatives of the 36 OECD member countries, who gathered together on an online platform, were also invited to share their views on concerned issues. Korea was also invited to present its experience in 'building disaster response governance'.