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title Changes to the Civil Servants Annual Leave System
writeradmin created2016-01-12 hit2631

The Ministry of Personnel Management newly introduced recharging leave system such as recommended leave hours, leave hours saving and extended leave program in October, 2015. It aims to promote civil servants’ leave and create flexible working environment.

Through the leave saving program, public servants may save the remainder of annual leave hours other than recommended hours for up to three years and use them all together to get an extended leave, within two years.

These reforms seek not to simply grant more annual leave hours to public servants, but innovate the annual leave system by fostering creative and productive civil service based on plenty of rest and 

The Ministry itself encouraged its employees to use up remaining annual leave hours after Christmas and spend time with their family at the end of the year. Thanks to the initiative, many of them were able to recharge their batteries by taking enough rest.