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title MPM participates in the International Seminar on “Improving the Legislative Basis for Civil Service” in Tashkent, Uzbekistan
writeradmin created2018-06-26 hit3880

The Ministry of Personnel Management participated in the International Seminar on “Improving the Legislative Basis for Civil Service: Experience of Uzbekistan and Foreign Practice” in Tashkent, Uzbekistan on June 26, 2018.  This seminar was jointly organized by the Government of Uzbekistan (Ministry of Employment and Labor Relations, Ministry of Justice, and other state bodies and public organizations) and United Nations Development Program (UNDP) to share various aspects and experiences in drafting and revising the civil service laws to strengthen the selection and placement of personnel, improve the effectiveness of the civil service and regulating civil service conducts.  


MPM’s Team Director Mr. Choi MJ presented ‘The Public Personnel Administration System and the Laws on Public Service of Korea’ and shared the Korean experiences which may provide insights to the civil service legislation in Uzbekistan. MPM’s role in the seminar was highlighted by the recent development in international cooperation activities between the MPM and the Ministry of Employment and Labor Relations of Uzbekistan since the signing of the MOU on bilateral cooperation in the area of public personnel administration (November 23, 2017) between the two ministries. 


MPM continues to strengthen and expand its international cooperation activities with other personnel administration organizations.










 Photos: Courtesy of Ministry of Employment and Labor Relations of Uzbekistan