Gender equality
- With more women joining the civil service, the proportion of female government employees in administrative positions increased to 48.5% in 2022. However, the proportion of women in senior positions falls short of this level. Women account for 11.2% of senior civil servants as of the end of 2022.
- The Ministry of Personnel Management has been continuously promoting “management of the appointment status of female managers" (Grade 5 or higher between 2002 and 2006 and Grade 4 or higher between 2007 and 2017) to improve the ratio of women at director level posts that are underrepresented compared to the total ratio of female civil servants. Since 2018, the management scope has been expanded to senior civil servants and heads of divisions who have substantial decision-making authority.
- In addition, at the end of 2017, the “Personnel Management Guidelines for Diversity and Inclusion” was revised to expand the candidate pool for female managers and key positions in each ministry were designated (Director-Deputy Director of General/Sub-section-Assistant Director of General/Sub-section of the Planning, Personnel, Budget and Audit divisions of the headquarters and divisions in charge). In addition, efforts to appoint candidates to key positions based on gender equality were made mandatory.
Basis for Implementation: “Personnel Management Guidelines for Diversity and Inclusion”Ⅱ-[2]-2-C (Management of Assigned Positions in the Civil Service to Promote Gender Equality)
* The term “key position” refers to a position within a ministry that is preferred for competency and career development of a civil servant due to the significant importance and difficulty of the job as it is related to core functions of the ministry.
- The Ministry of Personnel Management will continue to manage appointments by gender in managerial and key positions, endeavor to eliminate gender discrimination in the civil service, and realize gender equality by implementing a system for work-life balance.